Proposta de metodologia de definição de carta geotécnica básica em regiões tropicais e subtropicais
This paper presents the methodology for the definition of geotechnical maps that is being used in Southern Brazil. The unit is defined considering the superposition of pedology and geology. ln urban regions, a simplified pedological study is performed with geotechnical applications in mind. Once geotechnical units are defined, together with soils layers, field work is performed, involving morphological analysis and soil sampling for laboratory testing.
Simple soil tests are performed in the laboratory, appropriate to the required applications. A description of possible typical soil profiles is included in the geotechnical map. ln this way, urban planners, or other professionals, can estimate the type of material to be founded in the geotechnical unit. A knowledge of physical environment, geomechanical and hydraulic behavior, helps the analysis of applications where the soil is loaded by foundations, landslides, borrow pits for pavements, low cost housing, and small dams. This methodology helps to estimate soil layers susceptible to erosion, as well as layers with drainage
characteristics adequate for landfills.
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