History of the researches of soils to the mid-twentieth Century, with emphasis on Brazil
Soil concepts, History of pedology, Tropical pedology.Abstract
By the first half of the 19th century, soil scientists already considered soils as a surficial weathered mantle of rock that sustains vegetation. At that time, more developed countries already had an advanced knowledge of their geology, vegetation and physiographic conditions. The Russian researcher V.V. Dokuchaev developed the concept of soil genesis as resulting from the interaction of environmental factors, and whose evolution can be traced through the different “layers” - horizons – that compose the soil profile. The soil profile, as a structural organization, was recognized as the object of a new science in 1893 – Pedology. It expanded rapidly in developed countries and in former tropical colonies till the middle of the 20th century, as documented here. In former colonies, such as Brazil, the application of this knowledge was initiated with the collaboration of many foreign researchers. Since then, Brazilian soil science has developed significantly, especially since 1958-1960, when the first state soil surveys were published throughout the country.
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