Mapping and characterization of surficial karst features in the Itaiacoca Belt, Nova Campina and Bom Sucesso de Itararé regions, São Paulo and Paraná


  • Silvio Takashi Hiruma Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo; Instituto Geológico; Seção de Geomorfologia
  • José Antonio Ferrari Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo; Instituto Geológico; Seção de Geomorfologia
  • Rosangela do Amaral Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo; Instituto Geológico; Seção de Geomorfologia
  • Rafael Fernando Honório USP; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas; curso de Geografia



Karst, Closed depressions, Itaiacoca Belt, Nova Campina, Bom Sucesso de Itararé.


This paper presents a characterization of surface karst features identified by detailed aerial photo interpretation (1:25.000) of the carbonate terrains of the Itaiacoca Belt in the Nova Campina and Bom Sucesso de Itararé regions, São Paulo and Paraná. The main concentrations of sinkholes and closed depressions occur within the urban areas of Nova Campina and Bom Sucesso de Itararé and in the southwestern part of the studied area in the State of Paraná. In these areas a polygonal karst pattern, similar to that observed in the Betari River Basin, Upper Ribeira Valley, is present. Morphometric analysis revealed that the closed depressions in general present lower values for area, perimeter, amplitude and slope than those observed in the Lajeado and André Lopes belts (Ribeira Valley); circularity indices are higher. Considering the total catchment area of the closed depressions, it was possible to estimate that autochthonous recharge is more important than allochthonous recharge. Diversified land use and occupation in the area require appropriate planning in order to protect the karst. Mapping and characterization of karst features presented in this study constitute the basis for future studies related to the subterranean hydrologic dynamics of karst systems of the region.




