The Itararé Subgroup, Permo-Carboniferous in the region of the middle Tietê River, state of São Paulo: subsurface studies


  • Setembrino Petri USP; Instituto de Geociências
  • Percy Corrêa Vieira SMA; Instituto Geológico
  • Geraldo Hideo Oda SMA; Instituto Geológico
  • Pedro Fernandes Botelho SMA; Instituto Geológico



The aim of the present contribution is to compare the lithologies of wells drilled by the Instituto Geológico, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente of the State of São Paulo (IG-SMA), for ground water. The wells were located in the middle Tietê River Valley, State of São Paulo. Most of these wells are 300m deep and thoroughly cored. Their sediments are referred to the Paraná Basin Permo-Carboniferous Itararé Subgroup. Cretaceous intrusive rocks are also present. The wells were grouped accordingly to geographical location within the middle Tietê river valley. Four groups ofwells were considered: I- wells located as far as 30 km from the present Paraná sedimentary basín border; II - wells located in the Capivari/Rafard region; III - wells located near the Tietê river margins, around the town of Tietê as well as around the Sete Fogões and Jumirim villages; IV - one well located near Mombuca, about 10 km northwest of Capivari




