Geology and hydrogeology concerning the region of Lagoa Branca district, Casa Branca, SP, utilization of eletric drilling
In the location of a new place to the construction of a tubular deep; well for underground water captation in Lagoa Branca district, SP, it was utilized the eletrical resistivity method. The geologic features of this area, are comprised of cenozoic sediments of low thickness and sediments of "Aquidauana Formation", which are represented by argillaceous silts and siltics sandstones, with reddish colour. The data obtained by the interpretation of eight electric drilling, realized in the area and the data obtained by the deep well drilled in the vicinity, led us to a definition of a sub-surface laccolith in Lagoa Branca district, SP. We can enfasize the occurrence of a great percentual of diabase over the few percentual of basalt.Downloads
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