The section entitled "Geomorphological cartography for the Anthropocene: Analysing mapping experiences and their development" seeks to address the evolution and methodological advancements of geomorphological cartography as it is applied to anthropogenic landscapes, based on the experience gained over decades at the national level.
The section is being coordinated by Prof. Cleide Rodrigues from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo and Prof. Rodolfo Alves da Luz from the Geography course at the Federal University of Tocantins.
The launch of this section discuss the experiences of retrospective and evolutionary geomorphological mapping of anthropogenic areas in the context of the urbanisation process in São Paulo, which have been carried out by the Geography Department of the University of São Paulo over the last three decades. Over the coming years, the aim is to expand the scope of the work to include new methodological approaches and research groups.
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