Risk mapping related to geodynamic processes at a scale of 1:10,000: an approach focused on residential, commercial and service areas in Mogi Mirim, SP
Risk maps, Terrain analysis, Hazard analysis, Vulnerability analysis, Risk managementAbstract
This work presents the risk maps related with landslides, floods, and erosion processes for residential, commercial, and service-use areas on a scale of 1:10,000. The method applied in the municipality of Mogi Mirim (SP) included the phases: 1) Compartmentalization of the municipal territory based on principles and techniques of integrated analysis related to the terrain elements and the types and forms of land use and occupation, resulting in the Basic Territorial Units (UTB); 2) Selection and acquisition of attributes for hazards and vulnerability calculation; 3) Hazards, vulnerability, and risk calculation and maps production for each of the hazards geodynamic phenomena assessed. The results show that landslides risk is not significant in the studied area, whereas erosive and foremost flood risk are important and should be considered with greater attention, aiming at the definition of preventive and mitigation measures. The results can support urban planning and environmental management actions at the municipal level, as well as to defining target areas for risk mapping at the local level.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Cláudio José Ferreira, Denise Rossini-Penteado, Ricardo Vedovello, Cristina Boggi da Silva Rafaelli, Rogério Rodrigues Ribeiro
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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