Setembrino Petri (1922 - 2023)


  • Editorial Board



Professor Setembrino Petri, a specialist in the fields of Paleontology and Stratigraphy, was one of the greatest geoscientists in Brazil. Born on September 25, 1922, in the city of Amparo, he passed away on March 1, 2023, in São Paulo.
Most of his scientific career was carried out at the University of São Paulo, where he was honored with the title of Emeritus Professor at the Geosciences Institute, having published more than a hundred articles and books on the Geology of Brazil.
At the Geological Institute (now the Environmental Research Institute), he acted as scientific leader (1986 to 1994) with emphasis upon the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Tubarão Group (Paraná Basin). At that time, the IG was drilling wells to supply groundwater for municipalities of São Paulo State, whose drill cores, with preserved sedimentary structures and fossils, led him to a systematic work of characterization, with the idealization of a lithotheca for the State.
Countless were the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students he oriented, including several researchers and interns of the IG. He contributed to the activities of the Sergio Mezzalira Paleontology Collection of the IG and for decades was a member
of the Advisory Board of the Revista do IG, now Derbyana, where he published various articles.
As a professor, advisor, and researcher, he leaves an invaluable scientific legacy. His affable and generous personality, together with his ethical values, that he transmitted to all will never be forgotten.

The Editorial Board


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How to Cite

Editorial Board. (2023). Setembrino Petri (1922 - 2023). Derbyana, 44.


