

  • Corpo Editorial




It is a great pleasure to introduce Derbyana, the peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to Geosciences of the Environmental Research Institute / Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment of the State of São Paulo. Derbyana follows the Revista do Instituto Geológico (1980-2020) and the journal of the Instituto Geográfico e Geológico, o I.G.G. (1943-1968), which were preceded by the scientific bulletins of the Comissão Geographica e Geologica do Estado de São Paulo, published since 1889.
The name chosen for the journal is a tribute to Orville Adelbert Derby (1851-1915), one of the patrons of Geosciences in Brazil and one of the founders of the Comissão Geographica e Geologica do Estado de São Paulo, created in 1886. This commission carried out pioneering researches on soil, climate, geomorphology, geology and hydrography within the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and gave origin to several scientific institutions in the State of São Paulo, such as the Instituto Geologico, Instituto Florestal, and Instituto de Botânica, Instituto Geográfico e Cartográfico, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Museu Paulista e Museu de Geologia.
Following its predecessor (Revista do Instituto Geológico), Derbyana aims to publish original and unpublished, scientific and technological articles on Geosciences and related areas. This Journal also publishes review articles, maps and charts, short communications, comments and replies of articles.
Our efforts will continue to improve international indexing and citation indexes, as well as adopt the immediate publication of articles after their acceptance. In addition to the regular articles, Derbyana will publish sessions dedicated to relevant topics in Geosciences, as well as maps and charts with an important scientific and methodological contribution.
In this initial volume, Derbyana presents a series of articles on “Applications of Isotopes in Hydrological and Environmental Studies”, organized by Prof. Didier Gastmans from the Center for Environmental Studies of the “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” São Paulo State University (UNESP), specialist in Hydrogeology. The applications of isotopes are crucial to deepen the knowledge about the functioning of the hydrological cycle and its relationship with other geoenvironmental compartments and the climate, contributing to the preservation of the terrestrial ecosystems, facing the anthropogenic actions. The articles portray the current state of the art on the subject and constitute an important reference for future research, which can guide guidelines for the sustainable use and management of water resources.
We invite everyone to submit articles to the journal.

Editorial Board


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How to Cite

Editorial, C. (2021). Editorial. Derbyana, 42. https://doi.org/10.14295/derb.v42.748


